Benefits of Blood Donation


Uploaded on Mar 12, 2018

Learn about the benefits of blood donation and why it is important.



Benefits of Blood Donation

PowerPoint Presentation BLOOD DONATION Blood Donation: Donation of blood is not just a title but it saves many lives in the World. It’s not just about donating blood is humanity only but there are various health benefits of blood donation. It’s said that any healthy person should donate blood in routine after 6 months, it’s for health. Benefits of Blood Donation 1.Many Human Lives can be saved: First of all we should understand that there is a lot of difference between human being and being human. Donating blood can save many lives. It can help people in emergencies. 2. Benefits of Medical Check-up for blood donors: Blood donation is just giving blood. All blood donors get a chance of free check-up and anyone can donate blood if the person is physically fit. Any person is allowed for blood donation if his/her blood is tested for infections. 3. Less risk of Heart Diseases: Blood donations helps to maintain the iron of the body. It helps in reduction of the heart disease. It reduces heart attacks and heart strokes issues. 4. Less Calories: Blood donation helps to reduce calories. It helps to reduce weight also. It maintains good health condition and good the level of the haemoglobin and iron in blood flow in the body. 5. Less risk of Cancer: Increasing iron in body results cancer disease. Blood donation maintains iron in the body. Less Risk of cancer. The persons who regularly donate the blood will have a less risk of affection by the cancer than the people who do not donate blood DONATE YOUR BLOOD AND MAKE DIFFERENCE THANKS