Stay Healthy


Uploaded on Dec 14, 2017

Small steps can help you to stay healthy - read everything about how to stay and live healthy life.



Stay Healthy

Stay Healthy  STAY HEALTHY Tips to Stay Healthy Maintain a Healthy Weight Exercise Regularly Eat a Healthy Diet 8 Hours of Sleep Per Night If you are overweight, focus initially on not gaining any more weight. Carrying too much weight increases your risk for several health problems. Tips to maintain a healthy weight - Maintain a Healthy Weight Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains Physical Activity and stay active Watch less television Exercise Regularly Exercise is very important to stay fit and healthy. We have to do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. Regular Exercise - Swimming Walking Running Bicycling Gymnastic Dancing Eat a healthy diet always good for you and maintain your weight. You should focus on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Keep your diet simple. Tips - Make fruits and vegetables a part of every meal. Eat whole-grain cereal, brown rice and whole-wheat bread Choose chicken, fish or beans instead of red meat. Eat A Healthy Diet We need sleep to stay energized. Sleep is a best stress reducer because it plays an important role in our physical health. Importance of Sleep - Good sleep improves your immune system Sleep helps to improve learning skills Sleep lowers the risk of developing depression 8 Hours of Sleep Per Night Good Health Quotes Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings. To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise. Apart from education, you need good health, and for that, you need to play sports. Health is wealth. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. F O R Y O U R T I M E THANK YOU!