Most effective exercise for burning calories


Uploaded on May 24, 2018

Presentation on effective exercise for burning calories.



Most effective exercise for burning calories

Most Effective Exercise for Burning Calories 1. Bicycling Bicycling is a better exercise for weight loss . An hour of extreme cycling can burn up to 850 calories. Isn’t that a valuable reason to buy a bicycle right away? You can use this at home as many times as you like and drink full water at layoff to keep yourself hydrated. 2. Treadmill If you daily workout Treadmill 60 minutes You Will Burn: 500-600 calories Running on the treadmill is the plain way to burn body fat. You can drop up to 600 calories in an hour and have the best exercise of your life. Set your choice playlist while you workout to keep yourself motivated throughout. 3. A Slow Walk If you make a habit of daily slow walk, it is also loss your weight . For every hour walked at two miles-per-hour , a 200-pound person burns 255 calories. 4. Running Running has been explain to be one of the most taxing yet best workouts of all times. It reduce stress and depression and makes you feel alive. It can burn around 600 calories in an hour or even more if you intensify your workout. If you want to shed some pounds in a month, running is what you need to do. 5. Zumba Dancing has been examine as one of the most effective ,fun, and simple ways to burn calories. So, do yourself a support and join a Zumba class. You don’t have to be a professional choreographer for this. A heart full of excitement can take you a long way. It will zap away all the stubborn fat, tone your muscles fast, and give you a crazy yet serious work 6. Rope Jumping Rope jumping is also a good exercise for burn calories. It is not a fun game for children anymore. It will get you ready for summer and make you fit into those shorts you’ve always wanted to wear. Start off with 10-20 minutes if you’re a beginner. 7 Swimming Swimming is most of effective exercise for less calories. This should be right news for all the water babies out there. You don’t have to sweat it out at the gym anymore. Dive into the fresh blue waters of your pool and swim for an hour. You will burn up to 700 calories. Swimming not only helps you stay in shape but also makes you feel relaxed. 7. Swimming Swimming is most of effective exercise for less calories. This should be right news for all the water babies out there. You don’t have to sweat it out at the gym anymore. Dive into the fresh blue waters of your pool and swim for an hour. You will burn up to 700 calories. Swimming not only helps you stay in shape but also makes you feel relaxed. THANKS