Alcohol rehabilitation Centre in Pune


Uploaded on Mar 24, 2022

Our treatment teams consist of high experts and experienced staff. All our councillors and doctors are fully qualified and leading professionals in their respective fields. This is one of the many reasons why we are the Best Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Pune & Drug Rehabilitation in Pune, India. Trucare Trust – Pune S.No. 258/2B, Plot No.19 Khese Park, Lohegaon, Pune 411032, Maharashtra (India) +91-9167943134 +91-8693092000



Alcohol rehabilitation Centre in Pune

Understanding the Relationship of Rage and Alcoholism • The iissue off allcoholliism iis oftften rellated to the iincreased actition off anger,, viiollence and rage whiich allso at titimes iimposes a threat to the wellll--beiing off the sociiety,, as allcoholliism do contriibute about more than 34% off the criimes commiitttted iin IIndiia.. Allcoholliism iis thus iintaked more than any other drug whiich iis consumed iin IIndiia whiich iis one off the maiin cause off rapes,, domestitic viiollence,, murder,, chiilld abuse and more.. The Allcoholl Rehabiilliitatition Centre iin Pune thus states that many iindiiviidualls are prone to controll theiir rage or anger iissues and turn hiighlly aggressiive under the iinflfluence off allcoholl consumptition,, as they fface diiffifficullty to execute theiir ffunctitions,, whereas due to these iimpullsiive controll iissues they tend to have the ffeelliing off becomiing more aggressiive and viiollent iin nature,, whiich at titimes turns iinto a biig criime as wellll.. •    • The Allcoholl Rehabiilliitatition Centre iin IIndiia states that allcoholl dependency iis thus clloselly titied wiith the aggressiive actition outcomes off an iindiiviiduall,, where around 15% to 50% off iindiiviidualls enter the rage phase aftfter the consumptition off allcoholl on a daiilly basiis.. Whereas,, iindiiviidualls who do not consume on a regullar pattttern stitick to moderate or llow patttterns off anger iissues.. Allso,, the Allcoholl Rehabiilliitatition Centre iin Pune mentitions the ffollllowiing types off diisorders,, where one iis lliikelly to enter under the iinflfluence off allcoholliism and anger.. They are as ffollllows:: • Biipollar Diisorder or Biipollariity iis maiinlly a mood diisorder iin whiich around 30% off the ratitio iis off iindiiviidualls engaged wiith allcoholl iissues who enter the phases off carryiing around rage at a poiint off titime,, and at other titimes beiing absollute callm.. • IIntermiittttent Expllosiive Diisorder iis another mentall heallth diisorder iin whiich around 7% off iindiiviidualls do enter every year,, where agaiin the maniic phase comes and goes.. • Antitisociiall Personalliity Diisorder,, where iindiiviidualls who have the symptoms off becomiing iisollated ffrom the sociiall lliiffe enter iinto the phase off mere depressiion and allso become iirriitated,, are lliikelly because off the iinflfluence off allcoholl..