Benefits of Influencer Marketing


Uploaded on Aug 14, 2019

Presentation on "Benefits of Influencer Marketing"



Benefits of Influencer Marketing

BENEFITS OF INFLUENCER MARKETING 1. Collaboration •When you approach the influencer with significant followers, and if she/he agrees to do marketing/advertisement for you, the collaboration helps you to know the person as well their strategies to promote a product. 2. Money •With influencer marketing, if done properly, you will get a lot of customers/audiences and get money. •And that’s a basic thing you want. 3. Business/enterprise growth •"If influencer tells to buy, it must be right" is the mindset of this generation's customers/audience base. •So, yes! Business/enterprise growth is bound to happen. 4. SEO •Search engine optimization /SEO is the most wanted thing in content creation business/enterprise and so it is needed for the marketing/advertisement. •When you use influencer marketing/advertisement, your SEO grows. 5. Affordable •Who doesn't want things to be cheap? Everyone does. •Influencer marketing/advertisement is easy on pockets and hence it should be used to the highest benefits. 6. Easy to reach target customers •If you chose the right influencer for marketing/advertisement, it becomes easy to target the needed customers/audiences. •E.g. – If your brand sells fashion accessories, then chose a fashion influencer because customers/audiences, who are interested in that area, follow him/her. • So, they will take an interest in your brand and it will become easy to target customers. 7. Suitable for any size of business •No matter how small or large your business/enterprise is, influencer marketing/advertisement is going to help you. •It is independent of the size of your business/enterprise. 8. Gains trust of the customers/audiences •Nowadays, people worship the influencers, literally! So, if their favorite influencer uses the product, they will trust the brand. •So, influencer marketing/advertisement gains the trust of customers/audiences. 9. Brand Awareness •In the world full of brands, your brand may lack fame due to less awareness amongst the people. •So, if you do it right, more people will know about your brand, which is beneficial for your business/enterprise.