Vital Factors to Consider While Selecting A Catholic School For Your Child


Uploaded on Jul 7, 2021

Category Education

Catholic schools provide a catholic education for all children who seek the values of the Catholic faith. They also help children learn the importance of having healthy social relationships and also promoting a supportive and safe environment for everyone in the community.

Category Education



Vital Factors to Consider While Selecting A Catholic School For Your Child

Vital Factors to Consider While Selecting A Catholic School For Your Child Selecting a good school for a child is one of the most important decisions that a parent is required to make. The school you choose will have an impact on your child for years to come. Considering the quality of education provided by Catholic schools in rural Darwin region and Humpty Dooalong with their focus on moral and religious values, a lot of parents prefer to send their kids to Catholic school. If you plan to send your child to the best Catholic school, you need to consider certain vital things. Let us have a look at the important things you neIet dse rvtoes ac voanriestiyd oef rp uwrpohsielse, msaekilnegc ting a Catholic presentations powerful tools for convincing and school itnea crhuinrga. l area of Darwin: How reliable is the Catholic school? You need to check how Catholic the school of your child is. See things like how often it celebrates Mass and how frequently are the sacraments offered. How does the school incorporate faith in subjects apart from theology? Are the teachers required to sign an oath of fidelity to church teaching? Is the school prepared for a particular vocation? You need to consider the interests of your child prior to choosing a school for them. Does your child wants to work in design and requires an art program? Do they have an interest in engineering or science that requires advanced technology and labs? You need to discuss with your child their areas of interest and see if the Catholic school will be best able to serve those interests. A lot of Darwin primary schools are equipped with the capability to help students master in their areas of interest. In what ways the school promotes a balanced lifestyle? This is a vital factor to consider as the kids of today can really get slammed with their school work. You need to check if the school offers a balance of school work, service, extracurricular activities, family values and faith. Have a discussion with the student guides and the mentor families on the day you visit the school to learn about the everyday schedule of the school. Include your child in the decision making process When it comes to choosing a Catholic school for your child, you should consider their opinion too. Include your child in the decision making process. Take this as an opportunity to teach your child about how they can make a good decision. This will help your child learn new things and they will feel valued. Personal preference is a factor to consider, but you should not forget to include your child in your decision and learn about their liked and dislikes. Contact Us Phone Number: (08) 8988 1212 E-mail: [email protected] Website: