Amazing facts about Steve Jobs


Uploaded on Aug 7, 2018

Read the amazing facts about Steve Jobs.



Amazing facts about Steve Jobs

Amazing facts about Steve Jobs Amazing facts about Steve Jobs He brought Apple in to the world’s best company even  though he what food was in it, he is responsible for   transformation of other industry. Jobs, who sparked a  revolutionary for that PC, would be a vision recognized to  all. Everyone knows Jobs the entrepreneur and Jobs the  innovator. But there is much more for this God of Tech  that people bet you didn’t know.  He almost grew to become a Buddhism monk Being an growing adult he dream was to become Buddhist monk. In 1974, a vacation to India highlighted in him an ongoing curiosity about Buddhism that remained with him for whole life. He was fond of fish and veggies His favourite food was fish. Also, he likes carrots and fruits and spent a while like a fruits, meaning he only ate fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and grains. He dropped his college Jobs would be a college dropout and attended his College just for 18 several weeks. He ongoing his education by informally auditing classes. The program that attracted him probably the most was calligraphy. He accustomed to audit calligraphy classes, which famously continued to help the typography and font of Apple products. He used to be fired from Apple Despite the fact that he fell from their own company, he required it as being a blessing in disguise and then in 1997 became a member of back because the Chief executive officer. He later stated the feeling was very liberating also it was probably the most creative duration of his existence. He was passionate person Jobs includes a dedication team to review the thrill and emotions behind opening a box and locating the product inside. This kind of emotions is quite common with Apple products today. THANKS