Rules of Real Estate Investment


Uploaded on Mar 9, 2018

Category Real Estate

Check out the six rules of real estate investment.

Category Real Estate



Rules of Real Estate Investment

Rules of Real Estate Investment REAL ESTATE WHAT IS REAL ESTATE ? Real estate is basically a property, buildings, land etc. Real Estate means which is real or we can say anything which is a physical property. Important Rules of Real Estate Investment “⊙1. Don’t be Emotional Fool➢ You have to keep emotions aside and be more practical. ➢ Don’t take decisions emotionally. ➢ Think 100 times before you invest. “⊙2. Keep Money as backup⊙Keep Money as backup always to Cover Both Known and Unknown Losses ⊙ Investing in real estate is not at all easy. ⊙You need a lot of money backup because you never know about any unknown losses ⊙ To go though many financial situation extra money is necessary. “⊙ 3.Find a right person to rent your property⊙ It’s a challenges investing in real estate. Quite tough to find a right person to give property on rent. ⊙ If you rent to wrong one you property may be misused or damaged. ⊙ Enquire each and every thing before renting to anyone. “⊙ 4. You should Invest for right thing⊙You should know where you are investing and all information about it. ⊙ Like which area or land is expensive and whose rate will increase in future. “⊙ 5. Don’t Invest more than your Budget⊙Before investing keep in mind how much is your budget. ⊙Be honest with you and make investment according to cost of real estate investment plan. “⊙ 6. Choose Right Location⊙ Location is very important. Property provide you returns in two ways: either rent or capital prizing. ⊙Choose best location which values more in terms of money or business. ⊙THANKS!!!