Characteristics of Entrepreneurship


Uploaded on May 28, 2018

Presentation about characteristics of Entrepreneurship.



Characteristics of Entrepreneurship

Characteristics of Entrepreneurship An entrepreneur is unceasingly a positive thinker and a decision maker. The ability and willingness to growth, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. 5 Characteristics of the Successful Entrepreneurs : 1. Self-belief, and Disciplined Dedication - Entrepreneurs believe in themselves and are confident and dedicated to their project. Their intense focus on and faith in their idea may be misconstrued as stubbornness, but it is this willingness to work hard and defy the odds that make them successful. 2 Ability to focus on the most important things – They have the ability to control their thoughts and actions and be totally present and focused with whatever is in front of them (and important) at the time. 3. An open mind - The most impressive of these world-class entrepreneurs to me are the oldest and the youngest. The oldest have achieved things way beyond what most people could dream of, yet they still have an open mind. They don't rest on their laurels, instead they are always looking for ways to learn more about what they are doing and most importantly how they could do it better. 4. Product and Market Knowledge – Entrepreneurs know their product inside and out. They also know the market. Most become successful because they create something that didn't already exist or they significantly improve an existing product after experiencing frustration with the way it worked. 5 Effective Planning and Strong Money Management - Entrepreneurship is about building a business from scratch while managing limited resources. Even after securing funding or going fully operational, a successful businessperson keeps a complete handle on cash flow, as it is the most important aspect of any business. THANKS