FBISD Learning Online: Learn At Your Own Pace


Uploaded on Apr 17, 2022

Category Education

Through online learning, both student and teacher can interact with each other in much better way.

Category Education



FBISD Learning Online: Learn At Your Own Pace

FBISD Learning Online: Learn At Your Own Pace IIntroductition Perks of FBIISD Learniing Wiith the advancement iin technollogy,, the mode of tradiititionall cllassroom educatition has changed over the years.. Technollogy iintroduced projjectors,, smart screens iin physiicall cllassroom make llearniing more iinterestiting.. And now iin the recent years,, onlliine llearniing iis gradualllly repllaciing tradiititionall cllassroom llearniing.. The FBIISD Learniing Onlliine proviides the pllatform for e-llearniing.. Thiis mode offffers perks lliike,, accessiibiilliity of severall courses anytitime anywhere,, llower costs,, hiigh-qualliity educatition where peoplle from allll parts of the worlld can partiticiipate.. The rising importance of online learning The schoolls are now enthusiiastiticalllly adoptiting thiis pllatform as the parents are now preferriing thiis mode proviidiing for theiir chiilldren because here the parents can remaiin wiith theiir chiilld duriing the cllasses and guiide them too.. Parents fifind that remaiiniing iinvollved wiith theiir chiilld throughout theiir llearniing process,, hellps the students to progress more as they get contitinuous guiidance from theiir parents and teachers.. Due to such reasons,, the onlliine mode of educatition iis gaiiniing iits iimportance iin the current era.. Convenience of flexible timing Liike allll the fifingers of our hand are not same,, so iis allll the students are not equall.. Some are fast llearner,, whereas some needs a lliittlle more titime than others to llearn.. When students llearn onlliine,, they get the benefifit of flflexiiblle titimiing due to whiich they can llearn at theiir own pace and titime and do not have to miiss a siinglle cllass or topiic whiich happened on offlffliine cllasses where the weaker students are unablle to keep pace.. Better interaction between student and teacher Through onlliine llearniing,, both student and teacher can iinteract wiith each other iin much better way.. Thiis iis because teachers can focus on iindiiviiduall students whiille the mode iis onlliine.. Allthough iin tradiititionall cllasses too,, teachers concentrate on iindiiviiduall students too,, but when compared,, iit iis not so effffectitive as iit iis iin onlliine cllasses.. Thus,, students can llearn better as theiir doubts wiillll be clleared iindiiviidualllly as and when they ariise.. Viisiitt now:::: httttps:://montessoriireggiioacademy..com/admiissiions/montessoriifbiisdllearniingcenter/