Best JEE and NEET preparation app


Uploaded on Aug 26, 2020

Category Education

this app helps you prepare various competitive exams like JEE Mains, JEE Advanced , NEET , AIIMS . We transformed huge chapters into byte sized concepts which will be explained in videos . For Revising topics quickly we have flash charts , which helps for your last minute revision . Live classes from Kotas best facult helps you clear all your doubts in a particular concepts . This app also helps you get your homework done using peer learing concept

Category Education



Best JEE and NEET preparation app

Best JEE and NEET preparation app this app helps you prepare various competitive exams like JEE Mains, JEE Advanced , NEET , AIIMS . We transformed huge chapters into byte sized concepts which will be explained in videos . For Revising topics quickly we have flash charts , which helps for your last minute revision . Live classes from Kotas best faculty helps you clear all your doubts in a particular concepts . This app also helps you get your homework done using peer learning concept. We focus special focus on all the important chapters in JEE like * Thermodynamics * Aldehydes and Ketones * Ionic Equilibrium * Electricity * ELectromagnetism * Rotational Dynamics * Probability *Integration and Differentiation Practise Section We have a very extensive question bank of over one lakh questions which helps you find your weak concepts and master them in minimum amount of time . This adaptive practise session gives you questions based on your learning level . Each time you improve your knowledge you get difficult questions . Live classes We have free live classes conducting on our app for JEE and NEET aspirants from KOTAs best faculty . Classes starts daily at 3.30 pm and closes at 10 Pm . DPP will be given after every class which helps to analyse the concepts that were taught in the class . Doubts : Worried about your doubts in homework !! We have a solution of rou . Click a photo and get answers instantly. You can find solutions for all the major books in IIT JEE and NEET like , NCERT , RD sharma , HC verma . 6262962962 [email protected]