Some Smart and Useful Battery Tips for Your LED Solar Street Light!


Uploaded on Apr 30, 2019

Category Business

The LED Solar Street Light that comes as an integrated set of solar panel, lithium-ion battery, an in-built microwave sensor and controller, and LED solar lamp often does not perform up to the mark despite having high quality components. For More Info:

Category Business



Some Smart and Useful Battery Tips for Your LED Solar Street Light!

Some Smart And Useful Battery Tips For Your LED Solar Street Light! Introduction The name - LED Solar street light no more sounds germane to people around the world as the market trend reveals the ever increasing use of solar lights in all the three segments -- commercial, industrial and residential. And, this is because, solar light is being made available through one of the most renewable sources of energy -- the sun. And, because of this, today it’s one of most inexpensive sources of lighting when your energy-savings is 100%. There is no harm to the environment since there’s no carbon footprint due to the burning of fossil fuels. Besides, just like LED light, solar light too has gotten smarter which means inclusion of automatic control functions in solar light. The LED Solar Street Light that comes as an integrated set of solar panel, lithium- ion battery, an in-built microwave sensor and controller, and LED solar lamp often does not perform up to the mark despite having high quality components. The reason is simple -- your solar panel or battery needs maintenance. In this presentation, we are picking up the issue of battery-maintenance as that’s a core component and an energy-reservoir. Let’s study the parameters on which depends the battery-maintenance. LED Solar Street Light: What Kind of Battery You Must Choose?The two types of batteries that can be used in LED solar street light are -- lead-acid battery or lithium-ion battery. The lead-acid battery suffers from several disadvantages. First, it’s heavy and less durable than lithium-ion or nickel-based battery system. This type of battery does not take full charge and charges slowly. Als, the full charging takes almost 14-16 hours in total. The lifespan of this battery is also much shorter than that of lithium-ion. By contrast, lithium-ion battery has a much longer lifespan -- not any less than 2-3 years. This normally has higher charging cycles tha theLA battery where the total number of cycles could be 1000 and up. It’s lightweight and yet durable. LED Solar Street Light: How To Extend The Battery Life Cycle?One of the best ways to avoid draining your battery is to avoid charging too frequently. Next, though the LED solar light comes with a protection against over-charging of the battery, you still must not charge to 100%, nor bring the charging down to 0%. Third -- you must always store the battery away from too much of heat or cold. So, the three most important factors that must be kept into consideration is -- cyclic life of the battery, the depth of discharge and the storage condition. LED Solar street Light: How To Manage It In The Best Way Possible?To manage the attery in LED solar light, the best way is to have a smart controller and which is off-grid to let your controller perform all the necessary functions for you such as how much charging the battery has taken and when it needs replacement. Conclusion While there’s lot more that can be done with the lithium-ion battery, the above are just the pointers to keeping the battery of your LED solar light in check. Keep in mind that maintaining and preserving your battery is the key to making your solar light run longer. THANK YOU