Company Registration in Ecuador


Uploaded on May 2, 2020

Category Business

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Category Business



Company Registration in Ecuador

COMPANY REGISTRATION IN ECUADOR we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. ECUADOR Ecuador is located in Western South America, bordering the Pacific Ocean at the Equator, between Colombia and Peru. Ecuador is greatly dependent on its petroleum resources, which have accounted for more than half of the country’s export earnings and approximately two-fifths of public sector revenues in recent years. Record oil revenues in Ecuador are sparking new infrastructure projects throughout the country. Access this exciting country by setting up a company in Ecuador. can assist you in the company formation process, providing you with an efficient and professional service. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. ADVANTAGE OF INVESTMENT IN ECUADOR Ecuador presents an attractive alternative for Foreign Investment in sectors that count with possibilities in technological applications, generating value added and important resources as: bio-technology, based in the bio-diversity emphasized that has our country.Ecuador is one of the few countries on the planet named as “Megadiverse”, with 18,250 species of plants, 706 species of fresh water fishes, 1,559 species of birds, 374 species reptiles and 402 of amphibious. Both bio- commerce and bio-business are important subjects in the National Strategy of Bio-diversity, an instrument that Ecuador has to pursue economic advantage of its bio-diversity, generating wealth without destructing the natural base.A rich variety of microclimates, four natural regions, permanent solar luminosity and the impressive fertility of our land; are some of the factors that make Ecuador a suitable place to develop any type of productive and commercial activity. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. MAIN FEATURES • Ecuador company formation is cost- effective, with low government registration costs and a minimum capital requirement of US$800 • 100% foreign ownership is permitted • An Ecuadorean company is subject to a corporate tax rate of 25%. Capital gains are taxed at 10% • An annual tax return and financial statement must be submitted to the Superintendency of Companies following Ecuador company formation we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Types of Business Structures The main business structures used in Ecuador are companies and partnerships, which mostly include stock companies (often referred to as “corporations”), limited liability companies and public-privatepartnerships (often called “mixed-capital companies”). we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Companies Every company should register with the Commercial Registry and will be subordinated to the Superintendence of Companies, or with theSuperintendence of Banks, Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies. These institutions control and supervise business operations according to the Ecuadorian Law.In stock companies, shareholders, who own negotiable shares, areresponsible only for the capital they contributed, must have at least two shareholders at all times and hold one shareholders meeting per year.Limited liability companies are made-up of partners, with liabilities or participation according to their capital contribution. Contrary from stock companies, limited liability companies’ shares are not freely negotiable. At least one yearly shareholders meeting is mandatory. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Forming a Company Specific requirements apply to incorporate a company, depending of its business structure. Minimum capital requirements are the following: • Stock companies: US$800.00 • Limited liability companies: US$400.00 • Public-private partnerships: US$800.00 we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. FOREIGN COMPANY Any foreign company intending to conduct economic and business activities in Ecuador, must be established locally as a branch. To establish a branch of any foreign company in Ecuador, the following should be presented to the Superintendence of Companies, to obtain the respective authorization to operate: • Head Office’s Deed of Incorporation (including its statutes), noting that it can legally establish branches and conduct economic and business activities abroad. These documentation must be certified by the Ecuadorian consul whereas the Head Office is established; • Power of attorney appointing an agent as legal representative in Ecuador. Whether this agent is foreign, must be a legal resident in Ecuador; • A certification of the Head Office’s resolution to establish a branch in Ecuador, stating a capital of at least US$2,000.00; Whether the branch intends to offer public services or perform activities related to the exploitation of natural resources, or the establishment of a branch is required by law, the minimum capital referred above may be different. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Partnership Partnerships cannot participate in activities such as banking, finance, insurance and savings operations. Joint Ventures The joint venture agreement defines each participant’s proportionate share in venture assets, liabilities and results. There are no special regulations governing the establishment of joint ventures. Trusts Trusts must be incorporated as stock companies, and may manage investment funds and fiduciary businesses, issue securities and represent international investwmww.epnnjhutb .finu wne adre sag.gregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. INCENTIVE Production, Business and Investment Code includes incentives intended to promote the economic development. Main general incentives are the following: • Annual progressive reduction of one percentage point for the next three years in income tax. • Exemption from paying the tax for the outflow of currency for operations of foreign financing. • New investments are exempted from paying income tax advances for the next five years. • Reform of the method for calculating income tax advances.New investments contributing with the replacement of current energy sources, the strategic replacement of imports, the promotion of exports and the rural development around the country, are exempted from paying income tax for the next five years. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Sole proprietorship (proprietario) Legislation regulating sole proprietorship of businesses with limitedliability is expected to be enacted by Congress during the initial months of2006. These regulations will establish the requirements to be fulfilled byindividuals interesting in setting up a limited-liability one- personenterprise in terms of purpose, duration, capital requirements,incorporation procedures, administration and legal representation we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Capital structure The basic requirements for the organization of a corporation are as follows. 1. Capital must be not less than 800 US dollars. 2. Capital must be fully subscribed. 3. Twenty-five percent of subscribed capital must be paid in 4. The minimum number of stockholders is two; there is nomaximum number. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Incorporation procedures A limited liability company is formed under the provisions of the CompanyLaw by the execution of a public deed or agreement, to which all of thecompany’s shareholders must be parties. This deed requires approval by theSuperintendence of Companies and must include the following minimumin formation. 1. Names, addresses, nationalities, and civil status of theshareholders (individuals or legal entities). 2. Name, purpose, domicile, and term of the company (the term cannot beindefinite). 3. Amount of total capital, number and value of individualcontributions to capital, and amounts paid toward contributionssubscribed by each shareholder. 4. Form of the company’s administration and financial control; positions ofexecutives who will serve as the company’s legal representatives. 5. Procedures for calling and conducting shareholders’ meetings, andmanner of arriving at decisions.After approval from the Superintendence, the agreement must be inscribed inthe Mercantile Register and an extract published in a newspaper circulating inthe region where the company has its domicile PricewaterhouseCoopers 97Individuals and legal entities, either foreign or national (except banks,insurance companies and other financial enterprises and foreigncorporations), may be shareholders of a company. Companies can beorganized to do business in all areas of commerce and industry, exceptbanking, insurance and savings institutions. In all cases, the company’sname must include the designation Compania Limitada or the abbreviationCia. Ltda.Cost and time requirements for the incorporation of a company are similar tothowwswe.p nfjohurb .ian wce oarre pagogrregaatoiro pnlatform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Limited partnership A sociedad en comandita simple and a sociedad en comandita por acciones(limited partnerships) are organized according to the procedures describedfor a general partnership. These types of limited partnership include at leasttwo partners who have unlimited and joint liability and other partners withlimited liability. The partners who contribute only capital (comanditarios) areliable only up to the amount of their contributions, which may be in stock, as isthe case with the sociedad en comandita por acciones. In this case, stockmay amount to 90 percent of total capital. The partnership’s name mustinclude the names of the partners having unlimited liability and the words “encomandita.” This form of entity is not common we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Joint venture Two or more parties may enter into a contract to carry out a particularbusiness activity; these joint ventures have to be registered at theSuperintendence of Companies. In accordance with the provisions of theCompany Law, a joint venture may be considered as an association or aparticipation account (asociación o cuenta en participación).Under the applicable regulations of the Company Law, a business entity maygive to others (associates) the right to participate in its business, but theassociates do not acquire rights to the assets of the business. Associates’rights are limited to obtaining information regarding the funds contributed andthe profits obtained or losses incurred. Associates are not liable to third parties and, if the business enters bankruptcy, they are liable only for their share of the investment. All other matters are regulated by the terms of thecontract of association we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. THANK YOU we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715.