15 tips to improve your presentation skills

To deliver a presentation successfully, not only must the presentation’s layout and content be convincing, the crucial step is presenting correctly to convey the presentation’s content to the audience in the most effective way.
The tips listed below should assist you in accomplishing it by enhancing your presentation skills. One of the most crucial things to remember is to combine the tips listed below in a productive way.

Be Prepared

You have to practice your presentation numerous times. Although it can be a bit difficult for those with hectic schedules to find time to practice, it is critical if you want to present an enthralling presentation. If you want to sound great, try writing out your speech instead of winging it and if you get nervous while speaking, a script comes in handy. You should try different ways of practicing like rehearsing in front of a crowd or family members. Record yourself while rehearsing, listen to it, and think of ways of improving.

Make Eye Contact

Maintaining eye contact with your audience while giving a presentation is especially crucial for giving every one of your viewers the feeling of importance and making them feel individually addressed. This not only signifies confidence but also allows your listener to interact with you and your topic.

Use of gestures and facial expressions

To highlight the content of your presentation, use appropriate gestures and body language to convey your message. During a presentation, avoid crossing your arms, putting your hands behind your back, or placing your hands in your pockets.
Always maintain a straight posture and avoid appearing tense or stressed. You can accomplish this by emphasizing what you’re saying and conveying your message with your hands and arms.
Always keep an open and friendly expression on your face. Show that you enjoy the topic and are confident in the info you are presenting by smiling.

Be Confident

You demonstrate to the audience that you’re proficient in your topic and have adequately prepared yourself by appearing self-confident. Try to look relaxed and not stressed or nervous.
One other tip for advanced speakers is to walk around the room in front of the podium to get nearer to the audience. This also conveys self-assurance and aids in attracting the attention of your audience.

Arrive Early

Another effective way to ensure the success of your presentation is to arrive early. You’ll be able to inspect the venue, double-check all equipment, and ensure everything is in working order. If possible, squeeze in one more practice session.
You’ll be smiling and welcoming your audience when they walk into the event. You’ll feel less tense and more relaxed than if you stepped in with everybody already seated and waiting for you to start your presentation.

Effective beginning and end

Great presentation skills can assist you to captivate your audience. Your presentation should begin and end with a bang. Much research shows that if you can pique someone’s interest right away, they’re more likely to listen to the rest of your presentation. consider a what-if scenario, share a personal story, a joke, a quotation, or a video. You should also provide an overview of your presentation’s time and structure. It is also beneficial to your listeners to have the outline displayed in a condensed form throughout the presentation.

Use effective pauses

A master technique is to use speech pauses effectively. It is one of the most adaptable techniques in a presenter’s toolkit. However, very few people do it well. When used correctly, a pause can significantly improve your presentation. Pause before, during, or after saying anything you want to highlight. Pausing between two parts of your presentation can signal to the listener that something unique is about to happen. A brief pause can also assist you in recalling your next point without drawing attention to the fact that you forgot what you were going to say.

Speak freely

The title is self-explanatory. Avoid reading it off to make the presentation vibrant and enjoyable. Speak up, slowly and with clarity. If you’re not confident, use note cards. But keep in mind that there will be no continuous text, just short, clear, and precise bullet points.
If you are using note cards, it is especially important at this point to memorize at least the beginning and ending of your presentation since eye contact is essential at these points.

Engage with the audience

Every time try to keep your audience’s attention and engagement during a presentation. It is best to involve the audience regularly to accomplish this. Asking questions is one way to accomplish this. Ask simple questions so that your audience can easily answer them. Interacting with the audience is another way to engage them in your presentation.

Be Entertaining

Including some jokes helps the audience feel more at ease, particularly when presenting a lot of information. However, it is critical to strike a balance; after all, you are not doing stand-up, and your audience did not come to your presentation to be entertained.

Use different types of media

A presentation can easily become boring and repetitive. To avoid this, it is best to use a variety of media. Combine videos and flipcharts, or demonstrate practical things on a model. This will dramatically increase your viewer’s attention and help to keep them interested until the end.

Avoid filler words

Try to avoid using filler words like “um,” “so,” “ya,” and so on to develop your presentation flow as effortlessly and confidently as possible. Such words express insecurity, nervousness, and insufficient knowledge to your listeners.

Don’t fight stage fright

Stage fright is one of the most dangerous enemies of a presentation, but you must not allow yourself to be a victim of your success. Instead of fighting it, recognize your fear and try to accept it so that it can be transformed into positive enthusiasm. Never let your stage fear get the better of you. Take a few deep breaths to help your brain get oxygen and relax your body.

Be flexible

Knowing the subject matter of your presentation by heart is more essential than composing a speech word for word. When you have an entire speech written out in front of you, it is easy to fall into the temptation of reading it aloud. If you are only working from an outline, you can be more flexible and modify your speech accordingly.

Attend other presentations

If you’re presenting at a conference, consider attending previous talks to assess one‘s presentation skills and gain context. This includes respecting your fellow presenters while also allowing you to gauge the audience’s reaction.


Enhancing your presentation abilities will not happen in a day. You will need to put in a lot of time and effort. Follow the tips in this article and you will come to a step closer to becoming a presenter that your audience will enjoy.

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