Presentation Design Tips to Captivate Your Audience.

Pitching an idea for your business or even when you are showing a product to your client, you have to intimidate them. All they need is a solution to their problems and thus present your idea in such a way that it looks like a savior. While presenting, many of us make a big mistake of penning down everything in the presentation slides and blatantly reading it out. Audiences often lose interest if your presentation is monotonous and it becomes hard to catch their attention.

So, apart from your excellent storytelling skill, a captivating presentation design is equally necessary to impress the audience. A visually powerful presentation has more impact on the audience than words you write on it. To make a perfect presentation, acing your visuals should be a top priority. So, if you are struggling with your presentation design skills, here’s a few pro tips that will help you from scratch.

Tips for better Presentation Design

The key to making captivating presentations is adding summarized information about your product or idea and trying to add statistics (bar graphs, pie charts, etc) to represent your information. To make a better presentation, you have to add the important information but at the same time not writing everything in paragraphs is important. So, keeping all these points in mind we have a few tips for you.

  • Use a presentation template:

In your professional life, time is a very important factor. So, instead of making everything from scratch always download a template and work on it. If you make the entire presentation from a blank page it might take up to half of the day but templates make your task easier and faster. They have very catchy infographics and you can make an impressive presentation very quickly. There are many free sites from where you can download free presentation templates. You can customize and add your own elements to these templates.

  • Summarizing information:

Summarizing content is a very important task as we fear we might miss an important point. But, if you write the entire research on the slides and read it out in front of the audience that is even worse. So, write one or two most important points in a single slide and explain the story behind it to the audience. This way your slide is not congested at the same time you are engaging in a thoughtful conversation with your audience.

  • Use of charts and graphs:

Charts and graphs are the best way of representing data without using many words. You can use charts and graphs for several purposes. For example, you are a real estate agent so you can show your team what factors like distance, land, etc are the key elements that let a client make any specific choice. When speaking of sales you can compare the sales of as many years as you want with the help of a bar graph. This is the main power of graphs that you can inform, compare, show trends, and establish relationships very precisely and directly.

  • Branding:

In a professional presentation, you cannot put too many colors and multiple fonts. This makes the presentation look very amateurish and not fit for a formal meeting. So, maintaining consistency throughout the presentation slides is very crucial in terms of fonts, color palette, logo placement, margins, etc. When you are picking up a specific color palette make sure that is the same as your brand or company logo. If your logo has three colors, for example, red, yellow, and white then let your slides also have these three colors only.  This enhances the branding of your company through your presentation.

  • First impression:

As a presenter, your responsibility will catch the attention of your audience at the very beginning of the presentation. To do this you have to make your title page very captivating. Don’t just write the topic of your presentation and leave it, instead add a very thoughtful image that will make your audience think about what is coming next. People should be curious enough to see the next slides judging your title page.

  • Single topic in single slide:

This is a very important point while you are trying to make your presentation captivating. Don’t add multiple topics in the same slide as this will create confusion among your audience and they won’t get the idea of what you are trying to offer to them. Second, don’t extend one idea to more than one slide as this will bring monotony to your presentation. So, the best idea is to provide one idea in a single slide.

These are some of the important points that will help you create a very stunning presentation. But, along with a captivating presentation, good presentation skills of the presenter like storytelling, entertaining a few times, and keeping the audience engaged is very important to make your overall presentation a success. Also, you can refer to presentation sharing websites to get an idea and you can also share your knowledge with the world by uploading your presentation on the SharePresentation website.

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