The Three P’s that are Important for a Perfect Presentation

Presentation, in every field, is a common thing. Whether it is the first day of school, a business meeting or a speech people give at some ceremony, knowingly and unknowingly everyone has been presenting their ideas in front of other people. Sometimes with confidence and sometimes with hesitation, but yes it has been done constantly. The success of a speech or presentation depends on a few skills that a presenter must own. But the three basic rules of a presentation, i.e., the three Ps of ‘Presentation’ are the most important ones that are the key to the success of a presentation.


Practice: The first ‘P’ is ‘Practice’. There is no denial in the fact that even if the presentation is prepared by the master of content making, it is of no use if the speaker has not practised it, enough. Every work, related to anything, needs practice, and in the case of a presentation, it becomes more crucial for the speaker. Also, when the speaker is well prepared, it shows on the face of the speaker as his confidence, and a presentation delivered with confidence is the key to win the audience.

Practising for the presentation is the basic and the most fool-proof plan for its success. If the speaker is well prepared and knows how to address the audience, nothing can stop the success of the presentation. It is not necessary to cram the presentation, word to word, but the speaker must practice in a way, such that he never moves from the context and deliver the right content. If a speaker steps on to the stage without any preparation, it shows the careless behaviour of the speaker. Hence, it is obvious that the audience will never get engaged in the content of such a speaker.

Passion: The second ‘P’ stands for ‘Passion’. A passionate speaker can easily attract the attention of the audience to himself. The obvious thing is that if the speaker himself is not passionate about his presentation, how would the audience be interested in the same? A presentation delivered with confidence and zeal makes the audience to stay and listen to each word of the speaker. A passionate speaker generates enthusiasm among the people, and encourage them to get involved in it. And an involved audience results in the successful end of the presentation. Hence being passionate about the presentation is the first step to sell your idea to the audience.

Pause: Last but not the least the third ‘P’, that is neglected by most of the presenters, a ‘Pause’ is what really makes a presentation impactful. A break taken at right time and after right intervals can change the whole game and can make your presentation more powerful. Taking gaps, at certain intervals, provides the speaker with time to breath, and also, at the same time, the presenter can revise the points that he was going to share next. Taking a pause, after reciting a paragraph or between the particular points, helps the speaker avoid any kind of nervousness. It puts an impression of the speaker’s confidence on the audience and keeps them intact. A pause after each major points, like an example, gives the audience time to understand the context and sink it in. Also, pause taken right before a crucial point builds trust among the audience.

Hence, before heading for your presentation, formal or even informal, you must keep those three Ps in mind, to finish your presentation on a victorious note.

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