Montessori School Richmond- A different way of nurturing your child


Uploaded on Mar 19, 2022

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Montessori School Richmond is one such school that fosters children to learn through various activities.

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Montessori School Richmond- A different way of nurturing your child

Montessori School Richmond- A different way of nurturing your child Slliide 1::Montessorii system for better future IInstitillll iin your chiilld the desiire to acquiire knowlledge and not jjust attend schooll a daiilly chore.. IIt iis the pllace that s/he shoulld llove to expllore whiille llearniing at the same titime.. The llearniing process iis such that they shoulld challllenge themsellves.. A pllace they woulld llove explloriing and comiing back to.. A pllace they acquiire knowlledge iin theiir own free wiillll Slide 2: What makes Montessori different from conventional ones The educatition system,, an adaptablle curriicullum,, an organiized décor,, chiilldren-centriic studiies,, practiticiing whatever iis beiing preached,, llearniing iis done not onlly iin encllosed areas but allso iin an outdoor settitting,, grades do not defifine the mentall capabiilliity of the chiilld.. Allll these make Montessorii Schooll Riichmond diifffferent from conventitionall ones.. Slide 3: Emphasizing the freedom to choose Your chiilld iis made iindependent enough to make theiir own choiice.. Wiithout a set curriicullum,, they llearn at theiir own pace.. They are encouraged to do the variious actitiviitities on theiir own and iin doiing so they are made iindependent to thiink by themsellves and thus compllete the actitiviity iin theiir own titime.. They have the iindependence and the choiice to acquiire knowlledge Slide 4:The classroom is not the usual one Your chiilld enters not iinto a cllassroom but theiir own space that they calllled theiir own.. A pllace even you too woulld llove to siit down and spend some titime.. The décor iis such that they stitimullate the functitioniing of the braiin of your chiilld.. Diiviided iinto practiticall lliife,, mathematitics,, llanguage,, devellopiing theiir senses,, cullture,, and sciience,, they iimbiibe the knowlledge Slide 5: A place they acquire knowledge through activities You remember thiings better onlly through actitiviitities and not by llearniing.. Thiings that iinterest your chiilldren have been iincorporated iinto theiir actitiviity-based system.. Everythiing iis done follllowiing the understandiing llevell of your chiilld,, and not of the schoolliing system.. Viisiit now:::: https:://