Branding Your Business with PowerPoint Presentation

There is no denying the fact that a presentation is one of the best methods for the branding of a business. In fact, most of the times, while pitching the investors, the big companies opt for the same method. On the ground level, a presentation aims to convince people. Whether you are showcasing the presentation in an auditorium or sharing it over a presentation sharing website, you want to impress your targetted audience and make them remember you for a long time. But besides the speaker, all the burden of impressing the audience through the presentation goes to the creator. But not everyone is aware of how to create a presentation specifically to promote the business and most of the times fail to do so. But if you take care of the following components of a presentation, you can create a presentation that can positively promote your business:

Company Logo for the Start: To brand your business through your presentation, you need to make the audience aware of what your company stands for and what are its products. To make a mark on the audience, you must make them identify the symbol of your company, i.e. the logo. You can start by putting your company logo on the first slide of the presentation. The logo must be high-definition and visible from even a distant location. Going further, you must choose a specific location for the logo on the rest of the slides of the presentation. Usually, the logo is placed on either of the four corners of the presentation. Putting the logo on every slide makes the audience familiar with your company logo and makes them remember the logo as a brand icon. Last but not the least, the company logo should also be the icon of your social media handles, which you will be mentioning on the last slide or any other specific slide of your presentation.

Use a Corporate Template: Using a corporate presentation template can help you with the branding of your business to a great extent, as these templates assist you to follow a proper pattern and stick to a corporate structure. Even though you are new to presentation creation, with these templates, you can create powerful and impressive slide decks.

Several websites on the web provide professional templates, i.e., specially built for corporate presentations, and that too, for free. A corporate template reduces the need for the extra efforts that you would have put to build a presentation from scratch. And since, these are already built for putting an impact on the audience and do the branding of the corporate products as well as the services, these are the best choice to opt for.

Branding Your Business with PowerPoint Presentation

With a pre-built presentation template, you just need to add the information, data as well as the visuals onto the slides and you are good to go. You can also edit the template colour and font to suit your needs. The use of a corporate template not only saves you from hard work but also saves a lot of time.

Add Infographics and High-quality Images: Like every other presentation, visuals are important for the branding of corporate presentation, too. The images and the infographics are the best means to explain more about your business, and ultimately, for the branding of your business. Since infographics and other visual can include more understandable information, it is better to use them instead of the text. You can represent the company’s statistical data through the infographics and showcase the company operations through visuals like 3D elements or videos. You can also put a video like an ad inside the presentation to engage the audience better. The use of infographics and appropriate visuals not only provide information to the audience better but also makes a better impact on them.

Use Modern & Bold Fonts: Fonts can greatly influence the theme of any content, and the same thing goes for the presentations, too. If you use some ‘not-so-professional’ or odd-looking fonts in your corporate presentation, it will completely change the meaning of what your presentation stands for. Though you are using less text in the presentation, to put an impact on the audience, you can’t make the text of the presentation look boring. Also, letting the audience skip the reading for this ‘less’ text is not what you exactly want.

So, to make the text stand out and be more readable as well as professional, you must go for modern and bold fonts. Fonts like Garamond and Verdana can help you make your presentation text look pretty professional, which is also good for the branding of your business. Also, if you are using a corporate template, you will not have to deal with the search for the best fonts for your presentation, as there will already be the best looking fonts included the template.

Chose the Colours Wisely: Like the fonts, the colour of the presentation has an equal effect on the presentation theme. And while you are up for the branding of your business through the very presentation, you must use the colours wisely. The colours of the presentation are capable of setting the mood of the audience and are great for putting a positive impression on their minds. The most basic thing that you can do with your presentation colour is to go for the logo colours of your company. In fact, whenever using any sort of branding strategies, your mean for promotion must include the colours that your company always use with your logo or with the products as well as the services it sells. So in the case of the presentations too, avoid using any random colours, but the colours that represent your company and its products. You can also go for a professional presentation template with an impressive colour theme that can help you with the branding of your company.

Keep it Consistent: To build an impactful presentation, you need to maintain the consistency of the components used in the presentation. The colour, the fonts as well as the images, you must not overdo any of these things. Like we mentioned earlier, the logo except for the front page, has to have a fix position on every other slide. Also, you need to look for the alignment of the text as well as the other objects used in the presentation, such that the presentation does not look messy. To make the presentation seem more professional, try to use two or three font types and font sizes so that these separate the text used in the presentation based on their meaning and the specification. To make the process simpler, you can go for a corporate template, too.

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