7 Steps to a Successful Presentation

Do you consider how to convey a presentation to your audience to leave an impression on them when you create one? How do you get people’s attention and convey your ideas? Brilliant speakers of the past have long demonstrated that by skillfully applying public speaking rules, even the most boring topic can be excitingly conveyed …

How to merge multiple presentations into one?

PowerPoint presentations are common in many fields of work, and it is quite often necessary to merge slides and files. There are several approaches you can take if you need to use slides from two or more PowerPoint presentations for a school assignment or an office presentation. Individual slides can be inserted, entire presentations can …

What is the 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint Presentations?

Presentations are a significant part of team workflow. Presentations keep everyone on the same page from internal communications and reporting to client-facing proposals and pitches. Even though collaboration is great but having too many people can make things messy. It is important to have brand rules and guidelines in place to make sure all firm …

How to convert a Blog Post into a Presentation?

There are so many different methods of content marketing. It becomes really difficult to find the right and best method. Here, I am going to tell you about a really strong method of content delivery that can attract more traffic. The method I am talking about is using slides as it helps you double or …

New Presentation Design Trends to Follow in 2022.

There has been a great improvement in the design industry in the past few years. Since everything is going online, people have become quite cautious about the design of the templates they use for their websites, advertisements, user forms as well as online presentations. Talking about the presentations, we can see a lot more professionalism …

Dos & Don’ts While Using Images In Your PowerPoint Slides.

Whether you are in the corporate, education industry, or any other area of work, presentations are common in each. Most of you might have been given the task to build a presentation, and many of you wouldn’t have the clue how to make one. Powerful PowerPoint Presentations are a mix of important text and lots …

Easy Guide On How To Search And Download PowerPoint Presentations.

  PowerPoint is very essential software for each one of us daily. From creating slides for a project presentation in school to pitching ideas in front of inventors, a proper PowerPoint presentation is a lifesaver. For those who are not avid users of PowerPoint or just a beginner, it might take time to get the …

PowerPoint Presentation Tips To Make Creative Slideshows.

Presentations, online or offline, are the most effective medium of communication for businesses. The presentations are capable of delivering the most complicated messages in the easiest way, thus being one of the essentials for the success of a business. Presentations, online or offline, are the most effective medium of communication for businesses. The presentations are capable …

Graphic Design Trends for 2021.

Graphic design has always evolved with the era we are living in. The regal colors, patterns, and constant experimentation of the graphic designers are what make this job very creative and unique. It was only a few years ago when the graphic designers created their work on the basis of advances in tech or a …

Current Design Trends and Their Use in Presentations.

Covid has made people go through a lot of changes, working from home being one of them. Though people have managed to work from home and are offering the desired efficiency, still, many presenters find it difficult to do a presentation online. This is because when a presentation used to be in a presentation haul, …